Audit SEO Professional in Barcelona

SEO Audit

Discover the true potential of your website

Technical SEO Audit Service

Are you having trouble ranking your website at the top of search results?

It’s frustrating to see your website not climb in Google rankings without understanding the cause. This is where a comprehensive SEO audit becomes invaluable.

Initial Situation

I perform a detailed analysis of your website using the analysis tools SEO the most advanced in order to determine its current state.

Competitive Analysis

Identify your direct competitors in the search engines and study their strategies and best SEO practices to gain a competitive advantage.

Keyword Research

Carry out a comprehensive study of the most relevant keywords for your business, focusing on those with high search volume and more potential to attract traffic transactional.

SEO Architecture

Design a structure SEO optimized to your web site, focused on maximizing conversions and achieve a positive roi as quickly as possible.

SEO On-Page

I analyze all the internal elements that influence the position of your site such as the content, meta tags, linked to internal and correction of technical errors.

SEO Off-Page

I review the external factors that affect your SEO, including the profile of inbound links (backlinks) and the authority of the domain, in order to strengthen your online presence.

Evaluate your website’s load time

Audit seo web in barcelona

What else can I do for your online business?

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Optimised by your website to improve its visibility in serps of Google, ensuring a strong structure and relevant content. Implement best practices to maximize your performance and accessibility. Turn visitors into customers.

Logo consultor seo local barcelona

I use strategies that make your business appear in the top positions when people are looking for services like yours in your area. Potencio the presence of your business to stand out in local searches.

Logo consultor seo local barcelona

Commissioned Me to update, optimize, and protect your website, ensuring their security and performance. Guarantee that your site will be always protected, efficient and running smoothly, so you can focus on growing your business.

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Build a network of linksof high quality that increases the authority of your website and improves your positioning in the search results. Implement ethical strategies and effective ways to ensure a sustainable growth and strengthen your presence on the internet.

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I monitore and analyze the behavior of users on your website to provide insights valuable that guide your decisions in digital marketing. Use advanced tools to measure performance, identify trends, and optimize the user experience.

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Evaluated the performance and speed of your website to ensure a user experience fast and efficient. I will provide detailed recommendations to improve the loading time and the stability of the site, ensuring that it meets the highest standards.

Shall we start generating business?

    seo experto posicionamiento web barcelona Sara Projects

    Benefits of hiring a Complete SEO Audit

    🌐 Understand your Website

    An audit SEO professional in Barcelona allows you to accurately grasp the current state of your website, providing a clear overview of your performance and areas of improvement.

    🔍 Identify Problems

    With an audit SEO custom, I detect the errors that are preventing your website reach top positions in the search engines, helping to correct them effectively.

    🚀 Generate Opportunities

    This audit allows me to identify and optimize the weak points of your web SEO, attracting qualified traffic, capturing leads and increasing conversions.

    ⚠️ Avoid Penalties

    Foresee that your domain to be penalized by the search engines to identify and correct any bad SEO practices, ensuring that your site complies with the guidelines of Google.

    📝 Strategy Development

    I offer the possibility of designing a comprehensive plan of action to optimize your website, based on the findings of the audit SEO.

    📋 Task Prioritization

    I define the actions SEO concrete that should be carried out and the order of priority for deployment, ensuring an efficient and effective implementation of the SEO strategy.

    Identify all the broken links of your website during my SEO audit

    A 404 error can be one of the main reasons why users abandon your site. It’s simple: if your customers try to access a page that doesn’t exist, you’re missing the opportunity to turn their visit into business.

    That’s why it’s crucial to identify broken links and redirect them to another URL. This improves the user experience and prevents them from leaving.

    audit services seo barcelona 404
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