Sara Projects Consultora SEO Freelance Experto Barcelona

SEO Consultant Freelance

Positioning that shines, results amazing

Sara Projects: SEO Specialist

I transform your website into a valuable asset for your business.

I drive the growth of your business through SEO strategies designed to increase your website traffic and improve your rankings on Google. Not only do I attract more visitors, but also turn that traffic into revenue and real benefits for you.

In addition, help you develop a clear vision and a strategic approach right for your business, ensuring that the solutions are personalized and effective for your specific needs.

For me, an SEO consultant only has value when they are aligned with business objectives.

What can I do for your business?

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Optimised by your website to improve its visibility in serps of Google, ensuring a strong structure and relevant content. Implement best practices to maximize your performance and accessibility. Turn visitors into customers.

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I use strategies that make your business appear in the top positions when people are looking for services like yours in your area. Potencio the presence of your business to stand out in local searches.

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Conducted a comprehensive analysis to identify areas of improvement and opportunities for growth in SEO. Detailed report with practical recommendations on how to optimize your strategy and improve your web positioning.

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Build a network of links of high quality that increases the authority of your website and improves your positioning in the search results. Implement ethical strategies and effective ways to ensure a sustainable growth and strengthen your presence on the internet.

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I monitore and analyze the behavior of users on your website to provide insights valuable that guide your decisions in digital marketing. Use advanced tools to measure performance, identify trends, and optimize the user experience.

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Evaluated the performance and speed of your website to ensure a user experience fast and efficient. I will provide detailed recommendations to improve the loading time and the stability of the site, ensuring that it meets the highest standards.

What we begin to generate business?

    seo experto posicionamiento web barcelona Sara Projects

    Why choose me as your SEO consultant?

    • Commitment to the Client: Your success is my priority, and I work diligently to help you reach and surpass your business goals.
    • Measurable results: My approach is focused on achieving tangible results, from increasing traffic to improving conversions and boosting revenue.
    • Personal involvement: I personally engage in every project, ensuring I fully understand your business and specific needs to deliver effective and tailored solutions.
    • Customized strategies: Every business is unique, which is why I design personalized SEO strategies to maximize your impact on your target market.
    • Transparency and Communication: I maintain constant and transparent communication, keeping you informed of every step and progress in our SEO campaigns.
    • Constant innovation: I stay up-to-date with the latest trends and updates in SEO, ensuring that your website always adheres to current best practices.
    • Continuous Analysis and Optimization: I provide ongoing monitoring and adjustments to ensure you achieve the best possible performance, all reflected in detailed reports.

    Opinions from Other SEO Experts About Me

    Reseña Xevi Sañé

    Xevi Sañé
    SEO Consultant and co-CEO of Dobleseo

    “It is a pleasure to recommend Sara González as an SEO consultant. Throughout our collaboration, she has proven to be a highly competent professional, with a deep understanding of search engine optimization and an impressive ability to adapt to the specific needs of each project. What stands out most about her work is her seriousness and dedication. Sara always maintains a high level of rigor and professionalism in everything she does, ensuring that every detail is aligned with the client’s goals. Moreover, she is excellent in communication, making joint work very smooth, as she clearly and comprehensibly conveys the steps to follow and the strategies to implement.”

    Reseña Eva Olivares

    Eva Olivares
    Specialist in strategy and co-CEO of Dobleseo

    “Sara is a highly responsible professional who gets deeply involved in projects, continuously following up on them. She is solution-oriented and has great communication skills, important tools for coordinating teams and strategies.”

    Reseña Carlos Sánchez Donate

    Carlos Sanchez
    SEO Specialist Technical and co-CEO of Asdrubal

    “Sara helped me discover certain aspects we were missing in terms of client acquisition. Although we retain clients quite well, we had no strategy beyond marketing and word of mouth. Sara helped both me and my company communicate to our potential clients the value we can offer them.”

    Reseña Marc Royo

    Marc Royo
    Freelance SEO Consultant

    “As an SEO consultant, she is fully committed from minute one. She has an incredible radar for detecting opportunities where no one else sees them, always staying one step ahead. Moreover, her close and direct communication makes working with her not only easy but also very fluid. With Sara, results are guaranteed.”

    Are you looking for an SEO Consultant with a different perspective on web positioning?


    I face new challenges with drive and dedication. Only with the determination to achieve our goals will we find the necessary energy. As an SEO expert, I strive to overcome any obstacle on the path to web positioning.


    I am fully engaged and committed, treating my client’s business as if it were my own. This level of involvement allows me to achieve my goals and ensure success in every SEO project.


    Professionalism and knowledge are the resources that enable us to face challenges and find solutions. As a freelance SEO consultant, I use these resources to offer personalized SEO services, ensuring that each strategy is effective and tailored to my clients’ specific needs.


    Concepts, innovation, and new ways of thinking are what allow us to break the mold and achieve the impossible. I apply the latest SEO techniques and tools to ensure that my clients’ websites are always one step ahead in search engines.


    Only with common sense and connecting with our own roots can we go further. We must be authentic. My approach as a consultant is based on transparency and clear communication with my clients, enabling mutual understanding and the development of effective SEO strategies.

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